Western Balkan Youth Talks: how can the EU connect better with youth? | News | WeBalkans

Western Balkan Youth Talks: how can the EU connect better with youth?

11 May 2021

Western Balkan Youth Talks: how can the EU connect better with youth?

On Europe Day, 9 May, for the first time ever, young people from the region, Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) and the EU Ambassadors in the Western Balkans region came together in an online event. Participants discussed possibilities to enhance connections between young people from the region and the European Union.


The debate heard how young people from the Western Balkans should be able to make decisions about their own future, and how for this it is crucial to have greater opportunities to travel and exchange with their peers across Europe. Discussions also touched on the importance of the EU in strengthening education systems and increasing research capacity.


Initiated by the EU Delegation to North Macedonia, the participants pointed out that there is a need to involve more young people, especially from rural areas and marginalised groups. Young people are aware that change cannot happen instantly and that their involvement is necessary to make a real difference.


The Ambassadors welcomed the energy and determination of the participants encouraging them to be even more demanding: among their peers, in their own countries and towards the EU.

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Source: EU Delegation to North Macedonia

Photo credits: EU Delegation to North Macedonia

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