New European Bauhaus: applications for the 2023 Prizes open to the Western Balkans News | WeBalkans

New European Bauhaus: applications for the 2023 Prizes open to the Western Balkans

06 Dec 2022

New European Bauhaus: applications for the 2023 Prizes open to the Western Balkans

Starting today, the Commission is opening applications for the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023. Following the successful last two editions that received over 3,000 entries from all EU Member States, the 2023 competition will reward 15 exemplary initiatives linking sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness – the three core values of the New European Bauhaus.


In the context of the European Year of Skills, this year’s edition will have a strand focussing on education and learning. For the first time, we will also welcome applications for projects and concepts in the Western Balkans. As last year, there will be specific prizes for people below 30 years of age. The call is open until 31 January 2023 at 19:00 CET.


The 2023 Prizes will reward existing projects as well as concepts developed by young talents under four categories:


-Reconnecting with nature

-Regaining a sense of belonging

-Prioritising the places and people that need it the most

-The need for long-term, life-cycle thinking in the industrial ecosystem


In each category, applicants can choose between three parallel competition strands:


-Strand A: “New European Bauhaus Champions”, devoted to existing and completed projects with clear and positive results.


-Strand B: “New European Bauhaus Rising Stars” dedicated to concepts submitted by young talents aged 30 or less. The concepts can be at different stages of development, from ideas with a clear plan to the prototype level.


-Strand C: “New European Bauhaus Education Champions” devoted to initiatives focusing on education and learning. Both completed projects, as well as initiatives with a minimum level of maturity, are eligible.


The 2023 Prizes will be awarded to 15 winners who will receive prize money of up to €30,000, as well as a communications package to help them further develop and promote their projects and concepts.

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Source: European Union

Photo credits: European Union

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