The Horizontal Facility 1st Beneficiary Steering Committee Meeting

The Horizontal Facility 1st Beneficiary Steering Committee Meeting
The Horizontal Facility 1st Beneficiary Steering Committee Meeting was held in Prishtina on 30 November where partners and local stakeholders met to address key milestones and discuss the main challenges in the ongoing third phase of the program. As a representative of the YEAs and ‘Block the Hatred. Share the Love.’ Amina Kaja got to talk about the work the network has been doing in the past two years in the fields of hate speech and anti-discrimination, as well as the steps to be taken in 2024 to further our campaign. This meeting highlighted that the European Union in Kosovo and the Council of Europe Office in Pristina will continue to advance tailor-made support to domestic authorities towards the advancement of strategic reforms in the areas of human rights, rule of law alignment with relevant European standards.