The European Union donates ten off-road vehicles to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies News | WeBalkans

The European Union donates ten off-road vehicles to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies

23 Mar 2023

The European Union donates ten off-road vehicles to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies

The European Union donated ten specialized off-road vehicles worth 725,000 BAM, to the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies in Sarajevo. Vehicles will primarily be used for carrying out monitoring activities, supporting joint operational actions, in their regional offices as part of the response to migratory flows, but also to fight irregular migration and smuggling of migrants, and other tasks as part of an effective response to the migration situation.


Head of the Delegation of the EU to BiH and the EU Special Representative in BiH, Johann Sattler, handed over keys of 10 vehicles to the director of the Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies (DCPB), Mirsad Vilić, in the presence of the Minister of Security of BiH, Nenad Nešić, and, IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina Chief of Mission and sub-regional coordinator for the Western Balkans, Laura Lungarotti.


This donation is made possible through the Project “Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina” funded by the European Union through Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) and is implemented by the IOM in partnership with UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC).

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Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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