RYCO and Superschools Delegation Participate in Berlin Process Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Western Balkans News | WeBalkans


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RYCO and Superschools Delegation Participate in Berlin Process Foreign Ministers’ Meeting on the Western Balkans

RYCO Secretary General Mr. Albert Hani and Superschools Delegation participated in the Foreign Ministers Meeting held within the Berlin Process. The meeting was hosted this year by the German Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, and took place on the premises of the German Federal Foreign Office.The opening remarks delivered by the German Foreign Minister were followed by the plenary with the six foreign ministers from the region, participants from the EU, RYCO, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), and the Civil Society Forum. During the Ministerial Meeting, talks were focused on inter alia, issues related to energy, climate change, reconciliation initiatives, and youth.


Minister Annalena Bearbock emphasized the importance of regional cooperation and especially bringing young people from the region together. She has underlined the Berlin process as key platform for cooperation in the WB Region which is showing concrete results. Acknowledging the results of RYCO programs and bringing thousands of young people together, Minister Bearbock has announced the establishment of the new Cultural Fund which should provide even more opportunities and programs or mobility and cooperation of young people, administered by RYCO. As a new Regional Fund this idea has been welcomed very well and readiness for strong support has been given by all actors. The message that the Berlin Process is concrete and on the fast track was announced by the fact that this year Western Balkan Summit is bringing to the Region three very important “mobility” agreements who are result of great work of regional initiatives supported through the Berlin Process.


RYCO Superschools program is part of a multi-donor project “Western Balkans School Exchange Scheme” co-financed by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) together with RYCO.

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Source: RYCO

Photo credits: RYCO

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