Oktoih Elementary School Students visit Europe House News | WeBalkans

Oktoih Elementary School Students visit Europe House

14 Mar 2023

Oktoih Elementary School Students visit Europe House

Europe House was honoured to host Oktoih Elementary School second-grade students from Podgorica. The children from class II-3, led by teacher Jasna Radovic, expressed their desire to learn about the work of Europe House and the history of the European Union. Europe House was happy to meet them.


The Europe House team presented the activities it performs and through interesting and interactive video games, presented the European Union to the children from its beginnings to the present day. The young girls and boys had the opportunity to learn about interesting things from the countries of the European Union, famous European scientists, and artists.


After the quiz, the students toured Europe House and socialised with the team members by playing table football and darts. The gathering ended with cookies and unique gifts for the children, and a boy named Lazar thanked the Europe House team on behalf of his class. The little ones promised to continue socialising with Europe House and visit more often. For its part, the Europe House team promised them many more interesting events and the welcome they deserve every time they decide to be part of the “European story.”

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Source: Europe House Podgorica

Photo credits: Europe House Podgorica

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