New homes for 32 families in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the EU-funded Regional Housing Programme News | WeBalkans

New homes for 32 families in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the EU-funded Regional Housing Programme

15 Aug 2021

New homes for 32 families in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the EU-funded Regional Housing Programme

Thirty-two internally displaced and returnee families in Prijedor in Bosnia and Herzegovina were handed the keys to their new homes, offering them stability and security for the future, after years of living in temporary accommodation. The homes were built as part of the Regional Housing Programme, a joint initiative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia supporting peace, stability and reconciliation in the region. The EU is the biggest donor to this programme, providing €234 million, which represents over 80% of the total budget.


Over 25 years after the war, around 8,500 persons still live in temporary accommodation across Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of the Regional Housing Programme, around 1,800 houses and apartments have been delivered to date to offer them a permanent home. The number is expected to reach 3,000 by the end of 2023.

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Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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