New call for cross border projects Montenegro-Kosovo News | WeBalkans

New call for cross border projects Montenegro-Kosovo

28 May 2021

New call for cross border projects Montenegro-Kosovo

The IPA Cross-border Cooperation programme Montenegro-Kosovo 2014-2020 has launched its third call for proposals. Through projects implemented under this call, the programme aims to improve the living standard of the people in the area by promoting environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economic development of the region, with respect for its common cultural and natural heritage.


The thematic priorities of this call are:


-Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders

-Protecting the environment, promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management

Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage.


The total funds available under this call are €3.48 million.


The call is open to legal persons and non-profit organisations established in Montenegro and Kosovo, including local governments, business support organisations, tourism and cultural organisations, NGOs, educational establishments, research centres and others.


The deadline for submitting project proposals is 25 June 2021. Find out all details on eligibility and how to apply in the link.

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Source: Cross-Border Cooperation programme Montenegro-Kosovo

Photo credits: Cross-Border Cooperation programme Montenegro-Kosovo

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