New 43.8 million EU grants for important infrastructure projects in BiH News | WeBalkans

New 43.8 million EU grants for important infrastructure projects in BiH

26 May 2023

New 43.8 million EU grants for important infrastructure projects in BiH

In the premises of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, three EU grant agreements to the value of 43.8 million euros were signed today. The new grant funds are aimed at continuing the construction of Corridor Vc and improving the water supply system in Visoko and surrounding settlements, in accordance with the overall objectives of the European Union to support Bosnia and Herzegovina with economic growth, investment and improvements to the quality of life of citizens on the country’s path to the EU.


The first two contracts refer to the financing of two new sections on Corridor Vc; the Rudanka interchange – Putnikovo Brdo tunnel and the Putnikovo Brdo tunnel – Medakovo interchange, to the value of 42.8 million euros. The third contract allocates additional funds for the expansion and rehabilitation of the water supply network to a large part of the town of Visoko and Moštre, and the construction of a main reservoir in Dubrava.


In addition to grants provided by the EU, these projects will also receive favourable loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), which, along with the European Investment Bank (EIB), is a strategic partner of the European Union. EU grants were provided through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), which aims to improve regional connectivity by building new transport links and renovating outdated transport and utility infrastructure.

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Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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