Montenegro wants municipalities to engage more in EU process News | WeBalkans

Montenegro wants municipalities to engage more in EU process

02 Aug 2021

Montenegro wants municipalities to engage more in EU process

Montenegro wants the local entities to engage more in the EU integration process despite that the process is led by the central institutions. Montenegro Government Chief Negotiator for the EU Accession, Zorka Kordić paid a visit to Bijelo Polje, a town in northeast of the country, as part of the European Day in Your City project. Kordić pointed out that the European Integration Office is available to better communicate the opportunities and benefits of membership for citizens and the city, as well as to present the opportunities offered within the EU structural funds.


Kordić visited the EU Corner in Bijelo Polje, an initiative funded by the EU and implemented by a local NGO, Multimedijal Montenegro. It was opened with funds from the Local Employment Partnership project funded by Cross-Border Programme between Serbia and Montenegro. The new phase of this project creates opportunities for new ideas in localities where there is still no formal alliance of key actors in the labour market. The main purpose is to activate and integrate unemployed people into the labour market while responding to the specific needs of employers.

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Source: CBC Serbia - Montenegro

Photo credits: CBC Serbia - Montenegro


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