Montenegro joins the European Migration Network as an Observer Country
Montenegro joins the European Migration Network as an Observer Country
The European Commission and Montenegro’s Ministry of the Interior have signed an Administrative Arrangement to collaborate in the European Migration Network (EMN), thus making Montenegro an Observer Country in the network.
The Arrangement requires both parties to exchange up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on the asylum and migration situation in Montenegro and in the EU Member States. The Administrative Arrangement is thus an important step towards reinforced cooperation between the Member States and Montenegro.
The goal of the European Migration Network is to meet the information needs of Union institutions and of Member States’ authorities and institutions on migration and asylum, with a view to supporting policymaking in the European Union in these areas. Montenegro will contribute to EMN objectives by attending all meetings and contributing to studies and reports.
The signature took place in the margins of the meeting between Olivier Onidi, Deputy Director-General for Migration and Home Affairs, and Filip Adžić, Montenegro’s Interior Minister.
Source: European Union
Photo credits: European Union