Green ideas flourish at Youth Policy Lab News | WeBalkans


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Green ideas flourish at Youth Policy Lab

The Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Western Balkans Youth Lab (WBYL) has initiated a new edition of its Youth Policy Lab, this time dedicated to the Green Agenda, a burning topic for young people in the Western Balkans.


“One way to ensure that no one is left behind in the transition towards a greener future is engaging all segments of society, especially young people,” underlined Ognjen Markovic, RCC’s WB Youth Lab Team Leader at the conference kick-off. Youth are on the front lines of climate impacts but too often marginalised in the decision-making process that so profoundly affects them. That is what the Youth Policy Lab offers – proximity to good ideas stimulate innovation, constructive criticism, and whirlwind steps to transform the region into a greener and youth-friendly place.


Inspired by European Youth Dialogue, this Youth Policy Lab brought together young citizens and policymakers to promote youth inclusion in decision-making. This initiative is a landmark in regional youth collaboration and a commitment to the global fight against climate change and environmental protection. By making the Green Agenda a priority, these young leaders are offering their contribution to the creation of a more resilient and sustainable Western Balkans in accordance with the objective of the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050.


“The well-being of young people is a cornerstone of EU policymaking. Through initiatives like the Youth Policy Labs, we are bringing these practices to the Western Balkans, creating an environment where youth voices and ideas can flourish. By prioritising environmental concerns, in this EU-funded project young people are aligning with broader European goals, fostering a sustainable future for all,” said Gianluca Vannini, Head of Section for Social Development, Civil Society and Cross-Border Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“Let us stand united in breaking barriers and creating a world that thrives on sustainability and inclusion. Never underestimate the power you have. It’s up to us, young people to engage and look for a change we want to see in the region”, said Anastasija Đorđa Bosančić, Young European Ambassador, Human Rights Advocate and Environmentalist.

Ideas from youth and policymakers are used as building blocks to co-create regional recommendations around the themes Green Agenda Advocacy, Preventing Plastic Pollution and Circular Economy in a 3-day conference. Working groups from each Western Balkan economy will be advised by these recommendations throughout a year-long process to develop realistic solutions.


Western Balkans Youth Lab Project is a project funded by the EU and implemented by RCC, empowering youth to shape sustainable policies in the region.

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