Fighting coronavirus: EU support to health sector in Tuzla Canton News | WeBalkans

Fighting coronavirus: EU support to health sector in Tuzla Canton

22 Feb 2021

Fighting coronavirus: EU support to health sector in Tuzla Canton

A year has passed since the early steps in setting up the Respiratory Centre – Department for Treatment of Severe Cases of COVID-19 Infection at the University and Clinical Centre in Tuzla. Working 24/7, along with many unknowns brought about by the pandemic, the work of medical professionals has been greatly facilitated by medical and protective equipment donated by the European Union as part of the coronavirus assistance programme implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).


The leading experts from the Public Health Institute of the Tuzla Canton and the University and Clinical Centre attest to that. Vital function monitors, PCR devices and a nucleic acid extractor that significantly speeds up the process of processing patient swabs, five respirators and two ultrasound devices are but a few of the donated medical and protective equipment worth more than one million BAM.


Equipment donated by the European Union within the assistance programme to BiH in the fight against coronavirus covers health institutions across the board: thirteen health centres in the Tuzla Canton, general hospital, the University and Clinical Centre and the Public Health Institute.


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Photo Credit: EU Delegation Bosnia and Herzegovina

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