Fact Sheets for the Western Balkans’ New Growth Plan now Accessible on the webalkans.eu website’s publications section

Fact Sheets for the Western Balkans’ New Growth Plan now Accessible on the webalkans.eu website’s publications section
At the beginning of this month, the European Commission adopted a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, with the aim of bringing some of the benefits of membership to the region in advance of accession, boost economic growth and accelerate much needed socio-economic convergence. The objective should be to enable partners to step up reforms and investments to significantly accelerate the speed of the enlargement process and the growth of their economies. For this, a new €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans has been proposed for the period 2024-2027. Payments will happen only after the fulfilment of agreed reforms.
The EU has recently released fact sheets in English and all Western Balkan languages containing comprehensive information about the Growth Plan. These fact sheets are available for viewing and downloading on the Publication section of the webalkans.eu website.