European Union, Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, and UNDP visit the historical village of Janjevë/o News | WeBalkans


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European Union, Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, and UNDP visit the historical village of Janjevë/o

The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Çeku, UNDP Resident Representative, Maria Suokko, accompanied by Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission at the Croatian Embassy in Kosovo, Nedjelko Špilek, Mayor of Lipjan/Lipljan, Imri Ahmeti, and other distinguished guests and project partners visited the historic centre of Janjevë/Janjevo to observe the ongoing restoration works on nine houses, learn about plans for the final use of 14 houses, and meet participants of tour guide training. “I am proud to witness the remarkable restoration efforts in Janjevë/o. This project, funded by the EU and our partners, is not just about preserving cultural heritage but also about creating opportunities for the local community. Together, we are reviving the historic centre and ensuring a brighter future for Janjevë/o,” said Tomas Szunyog, the EU Ambassador in Kosovo.


The restoration of the houses will contribute to reviving the history and memories of Croat families who once lived there, encouraging the return and preserving Janjevë/Janjevo’s rich cultural heritage. The project will benefit all communities by creating opportunities for socio-economic revival and promoting local tourism. In addition, important initiatives are underway, such as the creation of a platform to map cultural and natural heritage assets for rural tourism, training for tour guides, and support to women and youth through skills development programmes contributing to their economic empowerment. Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Economic Revival of Janjevё/Janjevo” project, financed by the European Union (EU) and the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports (MCYS) aims to preserve, protect, and revive the shared tangible heritage while promoting awareness and ensuring its protection as well as expand socio-economic opportunities for its inhabitants.

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Source: EU Office in Kosovo

Photo Credits: EU Office in Kosovo

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