EU4AGRI: Trebinje welcomes a new City market with European Union Support News | WeBalkans

EU4AGRI: Trebinje welcomes a new City market with European Union Support

04 Oct 2023

EU4AGRI: Trebinje welcomes a new City market with European Union Support

Stefano Ellero, Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Mayor of Trebinje, Mirko Ćurić, officially opened the new City Market in Trebinje on September 29th, 2023. The investment, which includes the procurement of twenty mobile sales units specifically designed to cater to the needs of local agricultural producers in Trebinje and its neighboring area of which three were adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, amounts to approximately 260,000 KM, with the European Union providing around 200,000 KM in financing.


The City Market in Trebinje is one of a total of 12 local self-government units that will improve their market infrastructure through EU4AGRI. The project envisages the construction of green and livestock markets, marketplaces, purchase stations, improvement of mobile fair infrastructure, installation of solar panels, and the establishment of eco-friendly retail facilities.


Thanks to the support of the European Union, the City of Trebinje has successfully implemented a series of infrastructure improvements at the new City Market. In addition to the procurement of mobile stands, a public fountain has been built at the City Market, significantly enhancing the functionality and infrastructure of this important city location in Trebinje. Furthermore, the quality, hygiene, and food safety have been improved by creating better conditions and equipping sales points.

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Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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