EU Support Brings Smart Meters to Serbia News | WeBalkans


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EU Support Brings Smart Meters to Serbia

With funding from the European Union, Electricity Distribution of Serbia (EDS) has installed over 150,000 smart meters in Belgrade and Novi Sad, allowing residents to monitor and reduce their electricity usage. This leads to lower household expenses by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies.

Smart meters provide precise electricity consumption data, ensuring accurate billing and eliminating errors from manual readings. The data is securely stored and accessible only to authorised personnel and consumers, ensuring privacy.

The installation of smart meters is free for all consumers, with plans to expand across Serbia. EDS aims to replace 80% of existing meters with digital ones by the end of the decade, making energy management more accessible.

The modernisation of the metering infrastructure promotes efficient energy use, supporting Serbia’s environmental goals and sustainability efforts.

This initiative is funded by the EU, with contributions from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank. The EU has invested over €1 billion in Serbia’s energy sector since 2000, enhancing supply security, diversifying energy sources, and improving efficiency.

In summary, the installation of smart meters in Serbia helps residents save money, ensures accurate billing, and supports environmental sustainability, marking a significant step in modernising the country’s energy infrastructure.

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