EU-funded project leads to a remarkable archaeological discovery in Ulpiana News | WeBalkans

EU-funded project leads to a remarkable archaeological discovery in Ulpiana

17 Aug 2023

EU-funded project leads to a remarkable archaeological discovery in Ulpiana

A mixed team of international and local experts led by Professor Christophe J. Goddard made a remarkable discovery at the archaeological site of Ulpiana: the dedication by Emperor Justinian (527-565 AD) and his wife Theodora of an “urbs Dardaniae”, one of the very few Latin dedications of the imperial couple in the late Roman world.  The unearthing of this mosaic, as well as the discovery of an imposing episcopal basilica in 2022, are the concrete results of an EU-funded project titled “The European Archaeological Mission in Kosovo: from Ulpiana to Iustiniana Secunda”, which is expected to conclude in December 2024.


The EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog, visited the Ulpiana Archaeological Park in the municipality of Gračanica/Graçanicë, where he had the opportunity to witness first-hand the positive impact of EU’s contribution.


“Such discoveries offer a unique perspective on culture and human history and provide extensive knowledge about the ancient structures of the Ulpiana Archaeological Park. I am very proud that this EU-funded project led to the identification of part of Ulpiana’s rich archaeological reserve. The European Archaeological Mission in Kosovo will continue its diligent work to help Kosovo unearth, treat, and preserve its archaeological heritage,” Szunyog said.


The EU has been supporting the protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites in Kosovo since 2000 and has so far invested more than EUR 14.7 million in this field.

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Photo credits: European Union Office in Kosovo

Source: European Union Office in Kosovo

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