EU extends the mandates of the EUSRs in BiH and Kosovo News | WeBalkans

EU extends the mandates of the EUSRs in BiH and Kosovo

21 Jul 2021

EU extends the mandates of the EUSRs in BiH and Kosovo

On 19 July the Council extended the mandates of the EU special representatives (EUSRs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo for two years, until 31 August 2023.


The EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Johann Sattler, was first appointed on 8 August 2019, with the task of contributing to policy objectives such as continuing progress in the Stabilisation and Association Process ensuring a stable, viable, peaceful, multi-ethnic and united country that cooperates peacefully with its neighbours, and ensuring that the country is irreversibly on track towards EU membership.


The EU Special Representative in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog, was appointed on 1 September 2020, with the task of contributing to similar policy objectives promoting a stable, viable, peaceful, democratic and multi-ethnic Kosovo, and supporting Kosovo’s European future and harmonisation with the EU in line with the region’s future prospects and in accordance with the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.


EU special representatives promote the EU’s policies and interests in specific regions and countries, and work on issues of particular concern or interest for the EU. They play an active role in efforts to consolidate peace, stability and the rule of law. The first EUSRs were appointed in 1996.

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Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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