EU donates vaccination consumables in BiH News | WeBalkans

EU donates vaccination consumables in BiH

25 Oct 2021

EU donates vaccination consumables in BiH

The Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ekaterina Dorodnova, handed over 150,000 syringes and 48,000 safety boxes for medical waste to the Bosnian authorities on 15 October. This is the first of five deliveries of vaccination consumables that will be distributed to healthcare institutions across the country.


“This equipment is part of our assistance to support vaccination against Covid-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and has been procured under the EU4Health programme. The EU4Health programme is funded by the European Union, with €13.7 million allocated for the procurement of vaccines and equipment to support the fight against Covid-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“Together with its Member States, the EU has so far delivered a total of 1.3 million vaccine doses to Bosnia and Herzegovina to speed up the vaccination campaign,” Dorodnova said.


The EU has also provided €7.76 million for the procurement of medical and protective equipment, which has been delivered to healthcare institutions across the country.

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Source: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina

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