EU-Backed ICT Training Transforms Kosovo’s Digital Landscape
EU-Backed ICT Training Transforms Kosovo’s Digital Landscape
Hundreds of participants completed the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) training in Kosovo, bolstering their readiness for the professional world. Aiming to enhance the competitiveness of Kosovo’s digital and traditional businesses, an EU-supported initiative has made noteworthy progress, fostering growth and job opportunities within the region’s ICT sector.
Initiated in January 2020, the “EU support for the competitiveness of Kosovo’s ICT sector” project was brought to life in partnership with an assembly of international and local collaborators. The Ministry of Economy has been an unwavering pillar of support and cooperation throughout this journey.
This effort highlights the Kosovar government’s emphasis on the ICT sector as a crucial driver for economic development, in tandem with global trends. Mirroring their IT Strategy, the government aims not just to fill the current digital and business skills void, but also to enhance the standing of local digital and traditional enterprises. A notable anticipated result is the rise in exports from Kosovar ICT businesses.
By focusing on imparting digital and business acumen, the project aspires to rejuvenate the ICT job market with competent professionals. In its course, the initiative has successfully bridged the private sector with informal training avenues, like short-term courses and hands-on learning. Additionally, it has refined career guidance services, spurred private sector investment in job-centric ventures, and paved the way for budding entrepreneurs to establish their businesses.
Endorsed by the EU and its associates, this project stands as a testament to the transformative power of well-organized, targeted training in evolving sectors, and by extension, entire economies.
Photo credits: EU Office in Kosovo
Source: Europe House Kosovo