EU adds Western Balkans countries on its “Green List” | News | WeBalkans

EU adds Western Balkans countries on its “Green List”

24 Jun 2021

EU adds Western Balkans countries on its “Green List”

Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia are now included on the list of countries whose citizens can travel to the EU for non-essential purposes. Under an updated  recommendation of the Council of the EU, Member States can now decide to lift travel restrictions to citizens of these countries on the condition that the person has been fully immunised – i.e. if they have received the second vaccine dose at least two weeks before the travel.


Citizens eligible to travel have to prove that their immunisation was achieved via vaccines approved by the European Medical Agency – currently, Biontech/Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson.


Member States are solely responsible for any gradual lifting or reintroduction of restrictions from a non-EU country as EU Council recommendations are non-binding. The full list of conditions for entry into each EU Member State is regularly updated on the Reopen EU website.

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Source: EU Delegation to Serbia

Photo credits: European Union

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