ETF unveils Green Skills Awards finalists News | WeBalkans

ETF unveils Green Skills Awards finalists

20 May 2021

ETF unveils Green Skills Awards finalists

The European Training Foundation (ETF) has unveiled the Green Skills Award finalists, selected following a call for proposals for good practice entitled ‘Green transition: education, training and skills’. The call aimed to collect stories about how education, training and skills development support the shift towards sustainable, clean, carbon-neutral circular economies and societies. The selected cases will provide ideas and inspiration for education and training policymakers and practitioners in the EU neighbourhood and beyond.


The finalists will be presented at a ceremony on 25 June on an online event organised jointly with UNESCO, with the collaboration of EBRD, ILO and UNICEF.  The list of 11 finalist stories also includes a candidate from Albania: Shipment – Greening of existing professions in the maritime sector. In total, 134 applicants from 39 countries applied for this call.

Source: ETF

Photo credits: ETF

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