EIB supports urban regeneration and higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
EIB supports urban regeneration and higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The European Investment Bank (EIB) – the EU’s lending arm – signed a cooperation agreement with the Canton of Sarajevo and the University of Sarajevo to support the development of a master plan for the main campus in the city centre. The €500 000 grant is being provided under the Urban Projects Finance Initiative (UPFI) in partnership with the French development bank AFD, and financed by the EIB’s Economic Resilience Initiative (ERI). The grant will enable the preparation of a master plan and feasibility study for the integration of different educational and scientific research units of the University of Sarajevo into one consolidated campus.
The strategy to be developed under the ERI technical assistance will consist of the redevelopment of the former army barracks in the centre of Sarajevo along with the construction of faculties, institutes, other facilities and the accompanying infrastructure, resulting in the creation of a high-quality campus area. It will ensure improved facilities for students and academic staff, as well as effective collaboration between faculties, academies and research institutes.
The entire future project cost is estimated in the range of €120 million to €160 million. Apart from education facilities, the project will also cover the accompanying infrastructure, such as roads, car parks and garages, and public greenery. Particular attention will be paid to the energy efficiency of the buildings and to management arrangements, including the training of management and maintenance staff during the project implementation.
Source: EIB
Photo credits: EIB