COVID-19: EU sends 200,000 vaccines to Albania and North Macedonia News | WeBalkans

COVID-19: EU sends 200,000 vaccines to Albania and North Macedonia

13 Jul 2021

COVID-19: EU sends 200,000 vaccines to Albania and North Macedonia

A new consignment of COVID-19 vaccines for both Albania and North Macedonia has been channelled through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. It follows a request by the authorities of both countries to the EU for support with the COVID-19 situation. The delivery, offered by Greece, consists of 100,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines for each country.


Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said, “I thank Greece for its offer to its neighbouring countries. We see here yet another example of the swift coordination done by the European Civil Protection Mechanism that has proved to be crucial in supporting countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.”


The EU finances up to 75% of the transport costs of the assistance sent through the Mechanism and since the start of the pandemic more than 45 countries have received support including vaccines, medical and protective equipment via the Mechanism.

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Source: European Union

Photo Credit: European Union

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