BIRN to Support Development of Masters Programme in Investigative Journalism News | WeBalkans

BIRN to Support Development of Masters Programme in Investigative Journalism

24 Nov 2023

BIRN to Support Development of Masters Programme in Investigative Journalism

On November 16-17 in Budapest, Hungary, a team of academic staff, experts, and practitioners from the media sector from Western Balkans and Europe settled the foundation for the development of a masters program in investigative journalism and discussed its structure and target audiences. This collaborative effort aimed to shape the curriculum of the program and underscored the significance of such an initiative as an investment in the field of journalism. Valuable insights were gleaned from lessons learned through the examination of existing programs across Europe. Currently, only one Faculty from the Western Balkan region has initiated such programme, and its practices and experience were taken into consideration during the workshop.


Discussions encompassed crucial aspects, including identifying the intended audiences for the program, determining the relevant topics to be included in the curriculum, addressing its cross-border dimensions, formulating its structural framework and identifying suitable accreditation avenues. These discussions served as a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental elements necessary for the successful establishment and implementation of a master’s program.


As this collaborative effort unfolds, it is poised to make a lasting impact on the field of investigative journalism, nurturing a community of professionals dedicated to upholding the principles of truth, transparency, and ethical reporting.


Source: BIRN

Photo credits: BIRN

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