BIRN launches call for EU Investigative Journalism Award for 2021 in Albania News | WeBalkans

BIRN launches call for EU Investigative Journalism Award for 2021 in Albania

09 Jul 2021

BIRN launches call for EU Investigative Journalism Award for 2021 in Albania

Investigative articles from Albania can now be submitted to the 2021 EU Investigative Journalism Award. Investigative stories published from 1 January to 31 December 2020, and related to freedom of expression, the rule of law, transparency, the abuse of power and fundamental rights, corruption and organised crime are eligible.


The award fund in 2021 (for achievements in 2020) is €10,000. The first prize will be €5,000, the second €3,000, and the third €2,000. Individuals or groups of journalists are eligible to apply in all journalism forms (print, online, radio and TV) published or broadcast in the media in official, minority or international languages.


The EU Investigative Journalism Awards in the Western Balkans and Turkey aim to celebrate and promote the outstanding achievements of investigative journalists as well as to improve the visibility of quality journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey. The awards are part of the ongoing Strengthening Quality News and Independent Journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey project, funded by the European Union.


Deadline for submission of application is 31 July 2021.

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Source: BIRN

Photo credits: BIRN

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