BIRN Albania trains students and young journalists on mobile journalism News | WeBalkans

BIRN Albania trains students and young journalists on mobile journalism

25 Oct 2021

BIRN Albania trains students and young journalists on mobile journalism

The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) in Albania organised a two-day training course in Tirana this month on mobile journalism (MOJO). Seventeen young journalists and journalism students participated in the workshop delivered by Norbert Šinković, an experienced trainer on multimedia and mobile journalism. The training provided the students with the core techniques of reporting and storytelling on mobile, web and other online platforms.


The trainees learned how to create quality journalism content using mobile devices, with skills training for producing high-quality photos and video, audio, and editing for social media, web, and other platforms. The intensive course was designed to provide young journalists with the key skills of journalism using mobile phones.


This activity is organised as part of the Using Big Data and Multimedia to Boost Quality and Independent Journalism in Albania project co-funded by the European Union and Swedish government and implemented by BIRN.

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Source: BIRN

Photo credits: BIRN

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