24 families receive new homes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia News | WeBalkans

24 families receive new homes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

22 Nov 2021

24 families receive new homes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia

This week, a further 24 families received keys to new homes in Vareš in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bor in Serbia. The homes were built as part of the Regional Housing Programme (RHP) which continues to make steady progress towards its objective of providing homes to approximately 11,800 of the most vulnerable displaced and refugee families in the Western Balkans.


Keys were given to nine families in Vareš, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 15 November. RHP beneficiary Josepka Pecirep and her son Tomislav were delighted to see their bright new apartment after a decade spent living in a damp basement. “We can finally feel the warmth of the sun,” said Josepka. “This is a moment that I will remember for as long as I live.” The following day, it was the turn of 15 families in Bor, Serbia, to celebrate the receipt of long-awaited homes.


This event was attended by Nicola Bertolini, Head of Cooperation at the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, and representatives of Serbian authorities and other donors. Delivering the keys to the beneficiaries, Mr Bertolini said, “I am extremely happy that you have finally found a home. I also thank the City of Bor for participating in this project.”


The main donor to the RHP is the European Union, while other key donors include Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland and the United States of America.

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Source: RHP

Photo credits: RHP

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