1st anniversary of the Observatory of Prishtina News | WeBalkans

1st anniversary of the Observatory of Prishtina

27 Jul 2023

1st anniversary of the Observatory of Prishtina

On 13 July, was the first anniversary of the Observatory of Pristina. To honour this anniversary, the Astronomy Club of Kosova and the Young European Ambassador Suhel Ahmeti, who is also the head of the observatory, organized an event. At this event, participants, including YEAs Aulon Curri, Diellza Ibrahimi, Ilir Kicmari and others had the opportunity to leanr more about the history of the Observatory of Pristina and its mission for expansion of the science of astronomy further.

The ambassador of the European Union in Kosovo, Mr. Tomas Szunyog, was also present at this event. YEAs and other participants had also an opportunity to discuss with the Ambassador on various topics such as the participation of young people in the science of astronomy and the formation of connections with astronomy clubs in the countries of the European Union. They also had the chance to observe the Moon and Venus and learn many different facts about the science of astronomy.

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