The "O-DVA-JA-MO" project for household waste separation launches in Babušnica, Serbia News | WeBalkans

The “O-DVA-JA-MO” project for household waste separation launches in Babušnica, Serbia

17 Nov 2022

The “O-DVA-JA-MO” project for household waste separation launches in Babušnica, Serbia

On 8 November the municipality of Babušnica organised the promotion of the “O-DVA-JA-MO” Project for Household Waste Separation in cooperation with the Komunalac PUC and the Pirot Regional Landfill.


The project was launched in the city park by the Ministry of Environmental Protection with the support of the European Union and the Kingdom of Sweden. The goal of the project is to establish a system for separating waste at the point of origin, for its later successful recycling, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. This project covers 17 cities and municipalities in Serbia in four regions.


The “O-DVA-JA-MO” Project for Household Waste Separation is implemented in all four municipalities of the Pirot district. As part of the project, Babušnica received a modern truck for the transport of recycling waste, 28 containers and 1,348 bins for waste separation.

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Source: EU Delegation to Serbia

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Serbia

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