Let There be Light – European Film in Belgrade News | WeBalkans

Let There be Light – European Film in Belgrade

17 Nov 2022

Let There be Light – European Film in Belgrade

This year’s European Film Festival in Belgrade opened with the screening of the film Let there be light. In the packed stand of the EU Info Centre, the audience watched an interesting production by artists from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Before they had their popcorn, they also had fun participating in a quiz about European cinematography, winning personalised t-shirts and taking photos.


“With this festival, we celebrate our shared culture on the big screen,” said the Ambassador of the European Union in Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, at the opening.


The potential of cinematography to convey information about Europe and its creativity has been recognised by a large number of EU delegations around the world. Today, more than 90 of the EU’s 139 delegations organise European film festivals, transmitting EU culture, values ​​and stories globally. In 2018, the European Commission started a project to support the creation and improvement of the quality of European film festivals. The project is managed by a consortium formed by the Goethe Institute, the French Institute and Cineuropa, a portal for promoting European cinematography.


The Belgrade audience will be able to watch some of the best recent works of European cinematography until Saturday at the EU Info Centre, between 18.00 and 20.00.

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Source: EU Delegation to Serbia

Photo credits: EU Delegation to Serbia

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