Young European Ambassador meets EU Ambassador to Serbia News | WeBalkans

Young European Ambassador meets EU Ambassador to Serbia

07 Oct 2022

Young European Ambassador meets EU Ambassador to Serbia

The EU Ambassador to Serbia, Emanuele Giaufret, visited Novi Sad and sat down for a conversation with Young European Ambassador (YEA), Velimir Milošev, and the YEA Public Diplomacy Manager Selena Tasic at the city’s EU Info Point. They discussed what is important to the youth of the Western Balkans and how to better inform them about the opportunities that the EU brings.


When it comes to embracing European and democratic values, there was agreement that education is crucial in bringing these values closer to young people, and that it is important for youth to communicate them peer-to-peer, but also for high-ranking officials to set a good example.


Ambassador Giaufret expressed his support to all those, including Velimir, who experienced violence during and after EuroPride 2022 in Belgrade, and underlined the importance of respecting and enforcing all human rights, without exception. Concluding the meeting, the Ambassador asserted the pivotal role youth play in Serbia’s pre-accession processes before joining the EU, as this question relates directly to the current but also future generations.

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