YEA participate at the closing event of the “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign News | WeBalkans

YEA participate at the closing event of the “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign

07 Oct 2022

YEA participate at the closing event of the “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign

This week Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) from Serbia, Adrijana Nikitović and Teodora Cekić, visited the 8 September elementary school in Pirot, as part of the Council of Europe’s “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign. The YEAs had a chance to moderate a “Don’t hate” quiz there, teaching youngsters about human rights, diversity, gender equality and inclusion.


Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of Office at the Council of Europe in Belgrade, was also present at the event and said, “It is better to work together than to work on our own, or even worse against each other. It is better to solve problems in Europe together, and Europe is you. It is not me, it is you.”


This was the closing event of the “Block the Hatred, Share the Love” campaign against hate speech which was part of the initiative on promoting diversity and equality in Serbia, within the joint European Union and Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022 programme.

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