Happy first birthday, Europe House!
Happy first birthday, Europe House!
Over 100 in-house events, with more than 3,400 participants and over 120 guest speakers – these are some of the achievements of the first year of Skopje’s Europe House. Designed as a place for young people to get together, network and develop ideas on how to shape a better future for themselves and North Macedonia, Europe House’s success has inspired the Delegation to open similar hubs in other towns.
Musicians performing jazz, painters creating live art, and mime artists telling stories without words… This is how Europe House’s window displays entertained passers-by and a huge audience on Facebook on the occasion of its first birthday, in a time of pandemic.
On 4 November 2019, European Parliament President David Sassoli inaugurated Europe House with the message: “Young people, this is a place for you to get together, exchange ideas and connect with other people so that you create fresh opportunities for yourselves and your country.”
One year later, Europe House has every reason to be proud of what it has achieved. In addition to many in-house events and those outside its premises (such as visits to high schools and environment clean-up campaigns all over the country), Europe House has organised online debates, live streams and podcasts as a way to maintain its work during the pandemic.
Obviously, COVID-19 also defined the format of the birthday programme. The full-day programme was not confined to performances as part of Europe House’s window displays: a mobile application was launched. Called “Virtual Europe House” it was designed for young people to organise, share or take part in events they were interested in. Ambassador David Geer and the recently selected ten Young European Ambassadors from North Macedonia also debated the challenges of the new generation. The programme wrapped up with an online night party with a local DJ.
Europe House plans to celebrate its next birthday in more premises, with even more activities and opportunities for young people. Following the overwhelmingly positive feedback to the work of Europe House in Skopje, it is planned to open Europe Houses in Kriva Palanka and Strumica shortly.
More information: Europe House Skopje
This is an adaptation of an article published by the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia. Read the original article
Photo Credit: Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia