Amina Kaja | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Amina Kaja



Arts and design, Youth activism, Environment, Sport


I am a 19-year-old student of General Medicine in Prishtina. I am currently a Research Assistant at the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies. I was the president of the first Youth Advisory Board in Kosovo and was previously a member of the Youth Assembly of Prishtina and founder and president of Kosovo’s first Careers Club. The work and energy I have put into my changemaking as a YEA have made me also an Ambassador for the Council of Europe’s ‘Block The Hatred. Share the Love!’ campaign. My dedication extends to other organisations as well, such as UN Women, OSCE, YIHR, PEN, YES Kosova and more, racking up more than 600 volunteer hours over recent years, mainly in the areas of interethnic dialogue, human rights and career orientation. My activism is mostly done through art – Spoken Word Poetry and graphic design. In the future, I hope to bring breakthroughs to the world of medicine, human rights and poetry.


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