CEFTA boosts regional market integration with numerous new agreements News | WeBalkans


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CEFTA boosts regional market integration with numerous new agreements

Belgrade, 9 October 2024 – In a landmark move towards achieving the objectives of the Common Regional Market, the CEFTA Joint Committee adopted numerous transformative agreements yesterday. These new agreements are set to enhance economic integration across the Western Balkans, bringing tangible improvements for businesses, workers, and consumers alike. 


These developments, aligned with the EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, pave the way for improved economic collaboration within the region, bringing the CEFTA markets closer to the EU Single Market. The agreements aim to simplify business operations, foster job creation, and enhance consumer rights, in line with EU standards. 


Danijela Gačević, Acting Director at the CEFTA Secretariat, emphasised the importance of these steps: 


“CEFTA plays a crucial role in ensuring the free movement of goods and services, a key component of economic growth and integration within the region. With these agreements, we are not only building a unified economic space but also aligning closely with EU market standards.” 


Key agreements supporting the Common Regional Market vision: 


  • Recognition of AEO programmes: Customs benefits for authorised businesses will now apply across all seven CEFTA markets, streamlining procedures and reducing operational costs. 
  • E-Commerce facilitation: A unified framework will allow businesses to seamlessly conduct online sales across the region, ensuring a consistent and safe shopping experience for consumers. 
  • Parcel delivery standards: New rules will simplify cross-border parcel delivery within CEFTA, incorporating EU standards for transparency, pricing, and service quality. 
  • Prevention of unjustified geo-blocking: The new regulations prohibit discriminatory practices in online shopping based on consumer location, supporting unrestricted access to products and services across CEFTA markets. 
  • Harmonised intellectual property rights (IPR): The agreement establishes consistent IPR standards, protecting businesses and consumers against counterfeit goods, thereby promoting innovation. 
  • Electronic risk management system: An electronic data exchange system will enhance customs efficiency, improving security and expediting the movement of goods. 
  • Trade facilitation in tourism: Travel agencies and tour operators will benefit from easier access across CEFTA markets, boosting tourism and regional cooperation. 
  • Dispute settlement mechanism: The introduction of a fair and transparent system for resolving trade disputes enhances business confidence in CEFTA’s trade facilitation measures. 
  • Simplified motor insurance procedures: The recommendation facilitates motor insurance processes, allowing travellers seamless cross-border movement without concerns over insurance coverage. 


Additionally, the CEFTA Joint Committee has adopted new internal reforms. Three agreements were adopted: one for the new Rules of Procedure for the Joint Committee, another updating the Decision that governs the Secretariat’s operations, and a third establishing new bodies to manage cooperation in emerging areas such as parcel delivery, intellectual property rights, and professional qualifications. 

With these agreements, CEFTA reinforces its role as a critical instrument for economic unity in the Western Balkans, aligning with the EU’s best practices and contributing to the broader ambitions outlined in the EU’s Growth Plan for the region. 

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