Every small step matters! #EUBeachCleanup Day | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

YEA Blog

Young European Ambassadors share their dynamic initiatives, events, and ideas shaping the EU integration journey of the Western Balkans.


Every small step matters! #EUBeachCleanup Day

Marija Blazevic (Young European Ambassador)


One of the key areas for Young European Ambassadors and a core value is environmental protection, so every year we showcase our contribution to nature and ecosystems through various actions! We aim to rase awareness about this issue through activism and include as many people as possible.

#EUBeachCleanup is a global awareness-raising and ocean activism campaign that mobilises people worldwide against marine pollution. Annually, over 40,000 participants engage in coastal cleanup events. In 2023, 45,700 participants took part in 555 events, spanning 44 countries across all inhabited continents.

Empowering Youth and Protecting the Environment


This marks the 4th consecutive year that the Young European Ambassadors from the Western Balkans have participated. This year, we had the privilege of hosting Young European Ambassadors from across the Western Balkans in Ulcinj, Montenegro, as part of a traditional EU beach clean-up event. It wasn’t just another clean-up—this time, it took place at the Salina, a site of great environmental significance. The Salina reminds us of the incredible potential Montenegro holds and the importance of safeguarding this precious space. Young European Ambassadors have taken part in this global campaign three years in a row: Albania in 2021, Kosovo in 2022, and North Macedonia in 2023.

Moments That Stood Out


What truly made this event unforgettable was the energy and enthusiasm of the high school students from Ulcinj. Despite a cloudy day threatening rain, their spirit brightened the atmosphere and uplifted everyone involved. Luckily, the weather was kind to us, and we divided into teams to get started. Our mission was simple: to make the area more accessible and cleaner while contributing to our community. Along the way, we talked, laughed, and shared our commitment to environmental protection.

We also wanted to send a clear message to the authorities—that there are citizens who care deeply about the ecological state of our country and countries and that we are ready to help. We understand that a healthy environment means a healthy future for us all.

Even though we were physically tired, our minds were buzzing with ideas and conversations. After a short break, we started with the next part of the event—presentations and discussions with guest speakers. We shared ideas, discussed how to implement them, and identified what it would take to make these ideas a reality.


Key Messages


One of our key objectives was to inspire the high school students to think outside the box, to be persistent, to speak up, and to never doubt their ideas. We wanted them to believe that anything is possible—because it truly is. And they proved us right, quickly showing that they have plenty of ideas and are ready to act on them. As young people who use our knowledge, platforms, and roles to set an example, it meant the world to us to see that every step forward matters.

 Opportunities: What’s Next?


We arrived at this beach clean-up a little worried that the rain might leave us heading home with colds, but instead, we returned healthy, full of impressions, and inspired by the young people who are only beginning to tap into their potential. And we’re here to support them every step of the way.

As part of European Mobility Week, from September 16th to 22nd, we’ll continue these impactful activities, this time in the capital city of Podgorica. On Friday, September 20th, we’ll host a clean-up at Ribnica, where we invite all citizens of Podgorica to join us. Together, we can set an example that we are stronger when we act as one.


The Role of Youth in Shaping a Greener Future


We know that it’s not just about marking specific days or weeks with these actions—it’s about fostering a society that thinks green, acts healthier, and is ready to contribute not just when it’s officially observed, but every day. As young people, we have a crucial role to play in shaping a future for both the EU and the Western Balkans that prioritises sustainability and environmental stewardship. By working together and embracing the values of the EU—democracy, equality, and respect for the environment—we can truly make a difference.


Conclusion: Call to Action


Our takeaway from this experience is simple: when young people come together, amazing things happen. The enthusiasm and dedication we witnessed during the clean-up are proof that small actions can create meaningful change. We encourage you to get involved, whether it’s by participating in future clean-ups, leading your own environmental initiatives, or smply raising awareness in your community.

Let’s continue working toward a greener, more sustainable future—not just for one week, but every day. Together, we can build a healthier, more inclusive Europe, one step at a time.


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