Stanislav Knezevic | WeBalkans | EU Projects in the Western Balkans

Stanislav Knezevic



EU integration, Environmental protection, Health and well-being


My name is Stanislav Knezevic. I am a student at the Yenching Academy of Peking University in Beijing, China, pursuing a Master’s Degree in China Studies. I hold a BA in Political Science from Trinity College in Hartford, USA. During my undergraduate education, I studied abroad at Sciences Po, Paris, and UCL, London. In 2021, I served as the Youth Delegate of the Republic of Serbia to the UN. I have represented Serbia before the 76th UN General Assembly and the 12th UNESCO Youth Forum. I have spoken at numerous conferences and assemblies on the importance of youth participation in the context of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
I am thrilled to join the YEA programme to continue promoting this idea, particularly in the context of the EU and its vision of supporting youth development in the Western Balkans. I am also looking forward to working together with fellow Young European Ambassadors on raising awareness of the importance of youth in peace-building, diplomacy and climate action.


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